We Don't Care/ druk 1

We Don't Care/ druk 1

    Brave New Books
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    The Netherlands is a dairy and meat land with over-production of calves, piglets, chicks, tropical birds, eggs, dairy products and meat, etc. Our country claims to have the best care industry in the world. Unfortunately not the best health. You know, that the Netherlands has the highest lung cancer mortality in the world and that mortality from breast and prostate cancer is also very high compared to other countries? In 2012, cancer was the cause of 31% of all deaths in the Netherlands (Eurostat). If the diagnosis of cancer is made, it is guessing what caused the cell proliferation.
    The production of meat (products), poultry, pork and other meats has tripled between 1980 and 2010 and will probably double again by 2050. An ever increasing meat consumption in a world of more than 7 billion people requires a high toll of wild animals, environment, water resources, air quality and climate. The only way to stop this environmental crisis is to inhibit both the growth of the world population and our preference for meat. By no more eating meat (products) and battery cage eggs from the supermarket, we improve our own health, and the health of planet earth.