In the labyrinthine corridors of "Seven Tales for Seven Days: Shards of the Absurd," reality unravels with the twisted elegance of a Kafkaesque fever dream. Each tale is a portal to a world where logic takes a holiday, and the ordinary dissolves into the extraordinary. Meet characters who wander through bureaucratic mazes that stretch into infinity, encounter surreal visions that defy the laws of nature, and grapple with existential conundrums that would baffle even the most seasoned philosopher.
In this collection, time flows backward, shadows have conversations, and every page turn brings you closer to the edge of reason. These seven stories are not merely read but experienced—like a series of disorienting yet captivating daydreams that linger long after you wake. Prepare yourself for an exploration of the bizarre and the bewildering, where the only certainty is the certainty of uncertainty. Welcome to a world where nothing is quite what it seems, and everything is absurdly, wonderfully so.