This is one book that should be judged by it's cover. By reading the back of it, the message of the book will have met its goal. The content of the pages is a mere execution of the idea described on the cover.
This book has taken all of the existing letters and characters of "The origin of species" by Charles Darwin and rearranged them in alphabetical order, keeping the titles and chapter divisions. It was done pretty easily by working in a spreadsheet, doing a count of characters and printing them in a particular order. To go completely "meta", this work will evolve into better and more complex forms by updating content, form or other aspects.
Communications is all about combining a fixed set of characters and punctuation to create words and sentences. When putting these sentences in a specific order, you will get a message, a meaning or in this case utter gibberish. Change one single character can change the meaning of a sentence. Changing all characters creates a new message. Change them into this work, the mere existence of the book, is the message.