Are you struggling with money as a student? Do you want to improve your personal finances and live with less financial stress? Well then this is a book for you! My name is Franklin and I'm a 22-year-old international student living frugally in the Netherlands. I firmly believe that every student can manage their money effectively so they can have the freedom to do whatever they want with what they have.It’s not about how much money you make, but how much money you need that makes a difference in living a good student life. How you spend and manage your money is more important than how much money you make. You can become rich by earning more than what you spend or spending less than what you earn. This book offers a different approach: becoming rich by needing less than what you have, which is a frugal lifestyle. This book will guide you through every aspect of the student life and will teach you how to develop frugal habits to live a rich student life with fewer worries and less financial stress.You can implement the strategies in this book to help you manage your personal finances and be financially prepared for anything that comes your way when studying in the Netherlands. Whether you are a freshman year international student wanting to get a head start in managing your money or a senior year student wanting to improve your personal finances, this is the ultimate handbook for you.